July 13, 2012.
Ruth 63.5 hours finish. Loved it.
Justin same time finish. Hated it.
The route, the ‘rules’, and description: http://alleghenymountainsloop.blogspot.com/2012/01/allegheny-mountains-loop-2012.html
Earlier in the spring, I had carpooled down to the previous noted Huracan 300 MTB ITT (group start) with a few folks I really didn’t know at all. During the ride a chat about a eastern route that one of them had put together an agenda for comes about. I had seen the initial proposal, and although intriguing as the idea was since it was ‘kind of’ closer to home for me (not really, but at least my side of the country!) it didn’t really strike my interest in terms of much to look forward to in the terrain that was being used.
For the sake of a lot of things such as scouting time, logistics, forest trails maintenance, etc, the well established ACA Allegheny Mountains Loop was being proposed to be run as a timed, self-supported bikepack route. Immediately, feedback rolled in…..there is SO much off road potential in that area and we are going to ride THIS?? This mountain ridge & valley border area between WV & VA is primo forest area, a lot of which is open to biking. But for now, it is what it is, future changes I am sure might come about depending on the interest. As of now, this ‘event’ so far has a lot of people signed up for a first year run and without a mention of including any singletrack & quite a bit of pavement: 19 for the group start Oct 5th, and 7 ITT before then!!One nice thing about using this loop though is the documentation is rather already done. Being an established ACA Route, the maps, mileage cues, elevations, amenities (warning: amenities on the map are not as large as they appear), and even some history along it are outlined and easily available as downnloads right from their website.
My intention was that since this route was a little tamer in terrain and incidence of night drug runners, etc that I would do it as my first full-on ITT, not as a group start. I really prefer the solitude….then again, it’s pretty scary out there in unknown territory & wilderness knowing you are ALL alone…so I waivered quite some time on actually making the trip down. In the end, JP started feeling guilty sending me down there all alone so it then became a decision would he drive down with me and at least be in the area if I would need to DNF or would he ride as well. To put it simply, JP has little interest in the nature of these routes which is quite fine with meJ
It is kind of an adjustment for us, but after so many years, I kind of needed a change to keep some adrenalin flowing and right away these longer rides struck my interest and so I have been focusing on these and not doing much XC/XXC, etc. I love researching the route info, preparing for just about any calamity that might happen, and then actually finishingJ
My feet hate it, but my brain still loves it!
He decided to at least ride while there, so got his Salsa Fargo ready to go, deciding to forego the now ‘standard’ race packs and loaded a rack and 2 waterproof panniers on it. He likes to be very comfy when he stops!
I set aside my Salsa Ala Carte that I would usually use for a MTB pack, and planned on using what I call my ’cross bike’. This is a newer frame w 700 rims, disc brakes, carbon fork, flat bars, road double cranks & some spin potential with a 9 spd MTB cassette. All my usual MTB packs fit pretty well right onto this bike even with the differences.
A few folks have ridden their ITTs of this route before me and rumor was there are very little supply points, and the locations get rather remote, so between that and some weather details I do pack a little heavier than I really want to, as usual! This actually did help me, as since I got held up with both nights having cold drenching thunderstorms, it was longer between refuel spots than it otherwise would have been, so the extra stuff came in handy.
To date (4) others have ridden the route before me to scope it out and test some timing, and have written a little more details. I don’t think an ‘official’ finishing list is posted yet, but will be probably after the fall group start is completed.
Kelly: http://ourlifeontwowheels.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2012-05-24T11:22:00-0
Chris: http ://thebikepedaler.blogspot.com/2012/05/allegheny-mountains-loop-may-2012.html
Cricket: http://www.teamup4type1.org/search/label/Allegheny%20Mountain%20Loop
Markley: http://teamcrank.wordpress.com/2012/04/03/allegheny-loop-400-mile-itt/
So 63.5 hours later as I finish (yes, the slowest finish to dateL
), I am pretty trashed, we grab a room and sleep, the wheels still working on evaluating what I just did……wow, that was really way better of a route than I had anticipated. I mean, without any trail, I had really questioned the fun or even adrenaline factor. Not sure about anyone else, but I can usually stick out a less than exciting day 1, but then if the route is backend loaded like this one is, that stays in your mind. The last half of the course is the gravel, the climbing, the mountain ridges, the fast/long descents, and the hunt for limited supplies. It really makes up for what you might have intended was going to be a boring mostly paved/rail trail tour w porta potties & water fountains every 10 miles….lol. So much so, that I am tentatively adding the Oct 5th Group Start to my calendar to give it another go! (and then once again, pushing my bucket list 100 mile trail run off of this year to next year….someday, THAT will get done!)
Link to a few pictures of different areas when Justin and I were together for bits. I really didn’t take too many as I was trying to keep moving in the rain and stuff:
Thanks to TOP Gear and everyone at the shop for helping us get ready for the trip! And thanks as usual to JP for always letting me pick new adventures to try outJ