Friday, June 8, 2012

Just IN time

(photo credit: Cycling Dirt Coverage, Thom Parsons)

Just IN time
          Back in January I registered for the Mohican 100 in the single speed class, the only reason I registered so early was to save a little cash. But 4 weeks before the race I had a set back and broke my single speed frame. With the race getting closer I was getting a little impatient and wasn’t  sure if I’d get a new SS frame in time or just race the geared class.  
Finally on Wednesday before the race Top Gear was able to get me a Niner SIR frame. I had some mixed emotions about getting the SIR frame. Steel mountain bikes look really cool with their skinny tubes and ride really nice and are built to last a few years. But downside is it’s a little heavier than alum or plastic and I’m really not a big EBB fan, I’d prefer sliders.  When I went to pick it up the Mavic SLR 29er wheelset that I’ve been expecting was in too.
I hurried home and built it up but still wasn’t sure if I’d race it on Saturday or not. Racing a hundred miler is hard enough and doing it on a bike that I’ve never ridden had me nervous. I decided to ride it on Thursday and if I liked it and didn’t have any trouble I’d race it and if I had any problems or if it didn’t feel good I’d change classes and race my Superfly 100. Thursday when I got home I headed out on the trails and to my pleasant surprise it felt great and no issues so that made my decision easy.
Saturday morning as the gun went off the pace seemed fast but I managed to get into the first bit of trails in good position.  I was riding with all the fast single speed racers early and there wasn’t much separation. (I’m not going to mention any names because I don’t want to miss anyone)  It wasn’t until I left aid station #2 and was on the road that I was all alone for the first time. I could see a few people ahead of me and some people behind me but it was hard to tell who any of them were. It didn’t take too long before Ernesto Marenchin caught me but to my surprise I was able to stick on his wheel. When we got to the single track in Mohican Wilderness I was having a blast on the rocky trails. I left aid station #3 pretty quik and finished the rest of the trail section at Mohican Wilderness and was back on the road.  I’m not really sure when it was but I was in a small group with Ernesto and Andy Gorski. We hit the rail trail and I was able to stay with them. Before I knew it we were at the swing bridge. After a quick stop I was back on the bike.  I got to the last aid station and had a cup of coke and seen a sign: 5 miles to the finish. The last 5 miles was pretty much all single track and went pretty fast.
In the end I had a great day, got to ride some really fun trails, rode with a few friends, didn’t suffer any mechanical issues like last year and even won the SS class.  For complete coverage check out:

I have to say thanks to TOP Gear Bicycle Shop  for getting me an awesome bike just IN time for the race.